Brett Rossi Opts For Freelance Status

5 juin 2016, par Steve


Photo courtesy of Brett Rossi’s official website

Now, I love pinball. SO MUCH. I recently got the Pinball Arcade on my Kindle Fire and I’m amazed I have got any work done since then, I’ve played it that much.

But just when I thought there wasn’t any way I could love pinball more, I see the above picture. I might be slightly annoyed that I wouldn’t be able to see the ball properly, but I’d allow it because it is Brett Rossi after all.

Erm, what was this blog entry supposed to be about again? Oh yeah, Brett’s gone freelance, that’s it. She’s decided to spread her wings (steady!) and pluck out some work with lots of different companies, which I think is great news as you’ll never know where she’s going to show up next!

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