Review: 9. August 2010, reviewer Steve
5 Aufrufe
Kita Zen XXX is the official website of the petite Asian-American porn actress and, according to it, features high definition videos and weekly live cam shows featuring the lady herself. In amongst the videos and photo galleries you will find her masturbating, having sex with her cute girlfriends, or even taking a hardcore boning. Also look out for some big name cameos in those sexy girl/girl scenes that she brings us!

There are two pre-checked cross sales boxes on the join page for this site. If these are not unchecked by you when you sign up, then you could incur some sizeable additional fees unless you wish to take up these additional deals.

The free tour is okay for what it is with some decent information and samples on show. The members' area uses a pretty familiar design and navigation that works quite well but doesn't give you anything in the way of interaction with Kita. For instance, there is no information about when her next webcam show will be, so it's complete guesswork when you may catch her online. Her diary is never updated, update information is absent aside from the galleries and videos being dated, but the descriptions of the scenes were pretty good, I guess.

The video options here were really impressive though, I will give them that. There are full length and often high definition .MPG, .WMV, .AVI, .MP4 and .MOV downloads available here, as well as shorter clip downloads in all these formats except .AVI. Oh, and there are Flash streaming versions as well! Pretty impressive, and some videos will play at as high as 1920x1080px for you. The photo galleries don't quite match up option-wise, with no .ZIP downloads although at 687x1024px, the images are pretty good quality.

The main problem with Kita isn't the content options though - it is that there are only 11 episodes here and that the site has only updated once so far this year (none at all since April). Considering that it only launched last November and that she doesn't link to it on her Twitter page, I'm not sure what's going on with this site.

And considering that Kita is one of my favourite Asian-American stars, it's a shame really as every one of the episodes are worth watching from start to finish. The lesbian scene with Yurizan Beltran, the only one added this year to date, is the real headline act here as you would expect. It really is astonishingly hot - and a sign of how good this site could potentially be.


Quite what I made of Kita Zen, I'm still not sure. Even in its small collection it gives you a great picture of what a hot property Kita is and there are at least a couple of incredibly hot videos. But I've no idea if the site is still updating, whether there are any live shows, or even if they are shooting any more content for it. Keep an eye on it though, if you're a fan of hers.
Besucherseite Kita Zen