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I'm a porn expert.
A lasting peace with the United States, does not mean they should have access to ANY American hardware, especially anything more advanced than a simple M4 carbine. They will us\e them against somebody, or sell them to to a power that shouldn't be seeing them. We gave them enough hardware during the daddy bush years. Remember when donald rumsfeld ran the cia?

No, of course they shouldn't have them, but it's to late for that now since they won't agree to give them back and it was already decided to abandon them there - the only thing to do going forward is let them have their own way in their own country, that is if you want peace. If you don't want peace, then keep trying to interfere in other countries such as policing the world etc, other countries really hate that.

Losing those weapons are already a loss, why risk even bigger losses by not writing it all off?


I'm a porn expert.
A part of me really wants to agree with you that this is possible.
But how do you make an a deal with someone who just a month ago said this?


They literally just had to wait a couple of weeks and they could have said "Well, we kept our part of the deal". They would have won either way, and there was no reason they had to rush this. So when they spout BS like "we vow to honor the rights of women", literally as they are breaking another "honor bound" agreement, what other conclusion can you reach other than that they're full of shit?

Would deal with them like this going forward if peace is the goal - stop interfering with their country overly and covertly.

Then because they really cannot be trusted, don't do any business with them at all.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Afghanistan seems like an unpredictable place that has been inhospitable to invaders. Now the Chinese. Our good friends, the Chinese. I heard something about a genocide of innocent Muslims over there along with re-education camps and slavery. I would imagine people so holy and close to their God such as The Taliban would have a problem with the way China treats Muslims. China just wants the minerals anyway. Any chance they get turned into the #4 Special at Panda Express for trying to move their way in?

I hope someone is in The Talibans ear relentlessly, every single day, without fail letting them know why they should loathe China. If we can't get restitution hopefully we can outsource their executions. God willing.
The Chinese government can be awful and usually is, but they probably won't be as dumb as the US when it comes to it's imperialism, subjection, and empire building. At least not totally at first if they don't have to. They are smart enough with forien nations to often start out not with bombing like we do, but with promises of things like infrastructure building and trade networks. Sure, there is no way in hell they would do it for altruistic reasons, and the price in the end might be terrible for the nations that agree to it, but it sure seems like that has a hell of a lot better chance to work with a place like Afghanistan than what we did.

As far as the former weapons there go, what needs to be remembered is that a lot of it wasn't just left there and abandoned by us like some in the news make it out to be. It was theoretically to be used by the Afghan government. The one that ended up being a virtual sham and folded almost instantly. All that billions worth of equipment is now the Taliban's, and there isn't much that can be done about it. If there was any resistance by the Afghans we left in charge at all some of that would at least been destroyed or used up, but now they will get almost everything. This is now twice in recent history they will end up with a ton of US military equipment. All the more reason not to do something as stupid as getting into places like Afghanistan again. Then again, it's not like we have ever learned from stuff like this before, and war profiteers in the US are going to do what they always do.
The Chinese government can be awful and usually is, but they probably won't be as dumb as the US when it comes to it's imperialism, subjection, and empire building. At least not totally at first if they don't have to. They are smart enough with forien nations to often start out not with bombing like we do, but with promises of things like infrastructure building and trade networks. Sure, there is no way in hell they would do it for altruistic reasons, and the price in the end might be terrible for the nations that agree to it, but it sure seems like that has a hell of a lot better chance to work with a place like Afghanistan than what we did.

As far as the former weapons there go, what needs to be remembered is that a lot of it wasn't just left there and abandoned by us like some in the news make it out to be. It was theoretically to be used by the Afghan government. The one that ended up being a virtual sham and folded almost instantly. All that billions worth of equipment is now the Taliban's, and there isn't much that can be done about it. If there was any resistance by the Afghans we left in charge at all some of that would at least been destroyed or used up, but now they will get almost everything. This is now twice in recent history they will end up with a ton of US military equipment. All the more reason not to do something as stupid as getting into places like Afghanistan again. Then again, it's not like we have ever learned from stuff like this before, and war profiteers in the US are going to do what they always do.

Nice post. Thank you.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Liz Cheney

Rightfully lays the blame on Trump by calling his agreement with the Taliban a 'surrender agreement ...
"[W]e sat down and negotiated with terrorists, because we completely excluded the Afghan government from those negotiations, we gave credibility to the Taliban ... Secretary Pompeo told us that the Taliban was going to renounce al Qaeda. They told us that the Taliban was going to fight terrorists. They forced the Afghan national government, we did, to release 5,000 prisoners. So we completely undercut the Afghan national government, we absolutely emboldened the Taliban,"​

... and then dumps on Biden for not changing course:
"I think there is no question. You know, President Biden is the president of the United States and he's had no problem in reversing course on other things. He decided he's going to rejoin the [Iran nuclear deal]. He decided he's going to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. He's reversed a number of decisions of the Trump administration,"​


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Robert McNamara redux?


Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Ret. Admiral Michael Mullen said that the U.S. should have left Afghanistan more quickly after the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011. "[I t]hink, in retrospect, yes, we should have. I don't think it was possible for us to just abruptly walk away right after we killed bin Laden. But, clearly, we could have gone earlier than we did."

Obama's second term would have been a good time to it.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Robert McNamara redux?


Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Ret. Admiral Michael Mullen said that the U.S. should have left Afghanistan more quickly after the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011. "[I t]hink, in retrospect, yes, we should have. I don't think it was possible for us to just abruptly walk away right after we killed bin Laden. But, clearly, we could have gone earlier than we did."

Obama's second term would have been a good time to it.
Hindsight etc. etc.... The sad part in 5-10 years all this having been forgotten or the new masters thinking that they are smarter than these folks now are, will do all again.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Hindsight etc. etc.... The sad part in 5-10 years all this having been forgotten or the new masters thinking that they are smarter than these folks now are, will do all again.
There are some instances in history that one can look back on and only in hindsight see how bad something would turn out. I don't expect people to be psychic and expecting even experts to always have great foresight isn't reasonable. This, for the most part, isn't one of those times. There has been a lot of people for a long time saying this was always going to turn out bad. It's not some unforeseeable series of events. About the only thing that might qualify is just how quickly the Afghan government collapsed which was even somewhat worse than most worst case scenarios thought off by the military and intellegence services (it's also about the only raason I have a little understanding about how they didn't get more people out sooner, well that and limited numbers of visas to bring people over. I could see where they might of thought they had a least some weeks or months to work with), but other than that I don't think things were hard to figure out.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
There are some instances in history that one can look back on and only in hindsight see how bad something would turn out. I don't expect people to be psychic and expecting even experts to always have great foresight isn't reasonable. This, for the most part, isn't one of those times. There has been a lot of people for a long time saying this was always going to turn out bad. It's not some unforeseeable series of events. About the only thing that might qualify is just how quickly the Afghan government collapsed which was even somewhat worse than most worst case scenarios thought off by the military and intellegence services (it's also about the only raason I have a little understanding about how they didn't get more people out sooner, well that and limited numbers of visas to bring people over. I could see where they might of thought they had a least some weeks or months to work with), but other than that I don't think things were hard to figure out.
They are not hard to figure out if you have been around people for a while. Without careful planning it can all go to shit in a heartbeat. Why do you think the Military has that famous saying about no plan survives contact with the enemy?
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Anybody know how much money the Taliban can make by flooding the planet with cheap but good quality heroin?
Billions I tell you. It will fund their social programs.

You guys still like her? I hope you are not depending on anything she promises. If so expect a bag of shit loaded with lols.
Did we like her in the first place? I forget. Better boobs than Pence for sure.
If they move enough heroin they can say no to foreign aid. Can’t they also run an extortion racket demanding money for destroying poppy with no other strings attached?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
If they move enough heroin they can say no to foreign aid. Can’t they also run an extortion racket demanding money for destroying poppy with no other strings attached?
Looks like you have a future with them.
"Billions I tell you. It will fund their social programs." Not to mention keeping down unemployment in the Counseling business.

Would you advice them to cut it with Fentanyl to stretch out the Heroin? China could definitely be of assistance there.

This could have a wonderful indirect effect on the price of weed if enough pot smokers get hooked on heroin.
